Seit 2002 bin ich freiberuflicher Software Entwickler. Ausführliche Informationen zu meinen Projekten finden Sie hier.
Studium von Computer Science und Mathematik (B.A.),
Universität Tel Aviv /
Israel (1993-1996)
1993-1994: Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures, Linear Algebra, Introduction to Computer Science, Differential and Integral Mathematic(Calculus 1), Logic and the Group Theory.
1994-1995: Logic of Computer Science, Information Systems, Probability and Statistics, Computers' Structure, Theory of Computation and Algorithms, Assembly 8086, Image Processing.
1995-1996: Database Systems, Computability and Complexity, Programming Languages, Operating Systems, Object Oriented Programming and C++ Language, Advanced Mathematics for Computers Science, Systems Analysis, Java Workshop, Software Development Workshop (C++, OpenGL).
Diplomarbeit: Entwicklung eines Email Client mit OpenGL/Iris OS.